Thursday, February 22, 2007
Friday, August 25, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006

1. Betsey another volunteer and i headed to Bishkek this past week for a little r&r. We met a lot of americans who were either coming home from afganistan or were just on vacation. We gave jeremy a tour of all of Bk's hot spots and got our portrait taken (the photographer told us to come back an hour later to get our photos, but he was nowhere to be found....such a scammer!)
2. dont let their looks fool you, these 7th graders are not as sweet as they may look
3. spring brought all sorts of new fragrances 4. not sure who this kid is or why he's dressed like that, kind of cool though
Saturday, March 25, 2006
So lately there has been some issues about volunteers keeping blogs. There is tension around where to draw the line between free speach and what would be harmful to pc's or the host country's reputation. One volunteer has already had to resign because of these issues. In order to just avoid this situation all together im going to go with the mass email route, though not ideal it just seems easier. If I dont have your email address go ahead and send it to me at (Corri Ayne that means you!).