she's where?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

and you though going to the super market
was a pain...this guy is coming back from the
well with his trusty pal!

the other photo is me and some of my students. its my b-day so that means i can do whatever i least thats what i told them!


At 3:17 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Oh my goodness. So it comes to me googling your name to find out that you have a blog that I can keep track of you with? You're lucky I'm a forgiving friend. ;) I'll be keeping track of you from here on out. Keep your nose clean. And of course, a very happy birthday to you. :)

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Lacey said...

Machalla! I keep running across your name in my phone (you're right after "Mom") and get nostalgic every time, but it sounds like you are thriving over there. I do miss you, have been thinking about you. You seem to be taking all these crazy things in stride - I'm totally amazed! Given your circumstances, it is enough for me to live vicariously through you. Take care, kid.

ps I am going to Germany for spring break! And HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!! :)

At 6:09 AM, Blogger DavidMcArdle said...

Hi, my name is David McArdle. I stumbled upon your blog. I am a Scottish postgrad student - law my undergrad, Russian language my postgrad. I am visiting Bishkek in 3 weeks for for just under a month and im interested in visiting Osh for a weekend. Moreover i want to specialise in Minority Protection and Human Rights. I have a few questions i'd like to ask and would really appreciate it if you could reply. My only concern with visiting Osh is how i would get there. I heard about the Yak option...although im a bad enough flier in a Boeing. Also i would be keen to hear your take on your experiences in Kyrgyzstan, the people, food, working out there, any general advice. My email is
Hope to hear from you


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