she's where?

Saturday, October 15, 2005

on a side note....
meals here so far have been pretty mild, nothing to exciting and have not required a lot of guess work. In my family we basically rotate between 5 standarddishes which always include bread and usually pasta or potatoes. Boring, but it gets the job done. I go in tonight and on the table is a big platter with a sheeps stomach which has been stuffed, tied at both ends and boiled. Folks, it really doesnt get much more graphic then that. I pointed to the gut and they assured me that wasn't what we were eating, or maybe i'm trying to make myself believe that's what they were telling me...usually, neitherone of us has any idea what the other is saying. Refusing food is sort of a big social no-no and they werent serving anything else, so I had to dig in. It reminded me of mom's meatloaf....and mom i'm not trying to say that your meatloaf tastes like it was just reguritated by a sheep,but it just had similar texture, flavor and mysteriousness. Definitely a situation where I was almost thankful for the language barrier. I have a feelingthat I really just don't want to know what I ate!
the photo is of my host mom, Erland (the 2 year old) and Iziza. they are in the kitchin/dining room.
The other is from my trip to the lake
PS. Dad will you let me know if the photos posted alright...


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